<aside> 💡 The instructions below explain how to duplicate or copy a Notion template into your workspace. You can duplicate a Notion template, a copy of it is simply downloaded and copied into your own workspace. From there, you can customize the page as needed.


🌟  New to Notion? Check out our Getting Started with Notion guide first.

  1. Log into Notion on your browser.
  2. Navigate to the Notion template and click Duplicate in its upper right corner.
  3. Choose the workspace you'd like to duplicate the page into from the dropdown.
  4. Your browser will take you to that page, now duplicated into the Private section of your sidebar. It will include all the sub-pages contained in the original page.
  5. You can now edit this page and its sub-pages as needed.

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If you like this template, join our Transformation Club and follow me on Instagram or Twitter to get tips or how to work smarter and live more intentionally. You can also grab one of my other templates here . If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]

Transformational Learning Experiences © 2023. This template is subject to copyright laws. By using this template, you are hereby granted license to use it for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You MAY NOT share, send or distribute this template either at no cost or at cost.